ILiADS Call for Liaison Participation 2024
The ILiADS Steering Committee seeks people who might serve as liaisons to project teams at ILiADS 2024, held at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, July 14-July 19, 2024.
We are seeking liaisons with any combination of expertise in: digital scholarship tools and methodologies; programming, multimedia, and design experience; or audio/video production skills, including 3-D/XR.
To express interest in being a liaison for ILiADS 2024, fill out this form by March 29, 2024!
What is a liaison?
Liaisons wear several hats – including project manager, coach, and technical expert – as they shepherd teams from project acceptance in the spring through the week of the summer institute. They’ll be in contact with teams before the institute to help them prepare and will attend ILiADS events with their team during the week.
Is this role a good fit for me?
Liaisons come from a range of backgrounds, but they share skills in listening, teaching, mediating, and consulting. Past liaisons have expressed that the experience has significantly contributed to their professional development, and liaisons as well as ILiADS teams benefit from connecting with other digital scholarship practitioners during and after the institute. We will hold liaison training prior to ILiADS to ensure all liaisons have the resources they need.
What are the expectations?
Liaisons will be provided with a detailed memorandum of understanding upon selection. Full liaisons will receive a $500 stipend to offset travel costs as well as free room and board. All liaisons will participate in liaison training prior to ILiADS. We expect liaisons to adhere to our Key Values and Community Guidelines.
Liaisons will be expected to communicate with their assigned team(s) in the weeks leading up to ILiADS. Liaisons will be expected to attend the entire institute.
How do I apply?
If you’d like to be added to the liaison pool, fill out this form by March 29, 2024. We will begin contacting liaisons in early May. Please be aware that final liaison selection will be determined by the needs of the ILiADS teams.
If you have questions or know someone who would make a great liaison, please contact the Liaison Coordinator, Raven Bishop at