Prospective host institutions are invited to share their interest by completing this expression of interest form.
Completing the form does NOT obligate you to host in 2025 or a future year. It is an expression of interest that the Steering Committee will follow up on to initiate a conversation about what hosting is like and answer any questions. Thank you for considering being involved in ILiADS in this crucial capacity!
What is ILiADS?
The Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship (ILiADS) is a week-long, team-based opportunity for focused development of digital pedagogy or scholarship projects. Collaborative teams of faculty, students, librarians, and/or technologists are matched with an ILiADS Liaison, who provides expertise with the technologies, project management, and digital scholarship methods relevant to the teams’ project. The week includes focused team time supplemented by community-driven professional development, including pop-up sessions, hands-on exploration, and spontaneous collaborations. Finally, as part of our commitment to supporting meaningful student involvement in digital scholarship, the ILiADS review committee prioritizes proposals that include student collaborators.
Why host ILiADS at your institution?
ILiADS brings a concentration of faculty, students, technologists, and librarians who are intensely invested in digital scholarship to your campus. Alongside this concentration of expertise and enthusiasm on campus, ILiADS organizes talks and events open to the larger campus community.
What is the cost of hosting ILiADS?
- Financial
- ILiADS is built on a self-sustaining financial model, wherein registration fees and annual academic partnerships subsidize the costs of the institute week.
- Historically, sponsoring departments/institutions cover up-front costs for items like housing, dining, and use of campus spaces, before receiving a lump-sum reimbursement from ILIADS’ fiscal agent, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). (Final costs have ranged from $5000 – $18000.)
- Staffing
- Before the Institute, the host institution will identify a campus organizer, who will join the ILiADS Steering Committee as Host Representative for biweekly virtual meetings to help plan the institute. The campus organizer should also chair and facilitate their own local arrangements committee. One member of the local arrangements committee should work with the liaison committee to arrange for team needs.
- During the institute, a local team will help smooth logistics, especially for team arrival, check-in, and registration. Expect extra load on campus dining, residential hall services, custodial, and AV setup/teardown for panels, lightning talks, and community events.
- Space
- Approximately 6-12 project rooms on campus that accommodate 3–6 person teams. Rooms should include a whiteboard and projection or large screens.
- One group space for up to 75 people for community talks, lightning rounds, etc.
- Classroom space for breakout gatherings and pop-up workshops during the week
- Housing for up to 60 people during each institute (some attendees will stay elsewhere)
- Dining – primarily on-campus, especially breakfast and lunch; two catered dinners
Prospective host institutions are invited to share their interest by completing this expression of interest form.